The Würth Group is the global market leader in the development, production, and sale of fastening and assembly materials. More than 400 companies operating over 2,500 branch offices and shops in 80 countries form part of this global family business, which hails from the German town of Künzelsau.
Case & Solution
We designed a concept for Würth Finland to raise the image of the employer and stand out from other players in the industry. In the concept, we wanted to strongly highlight research findings, according to which Würth is a trendsetter in technical wholesale trade, whose superior services and operating models create the best opportunities for success for motivated employees.
The concept was strongly based on the idea that Würth exudes confidence and quality, but at the same time is playful and doesn’t take itself too seriously. Würth manages its own plot excellently and goes beyond it if necessary, and develops the entire industry forward as a trend setter.
In the concept, the letter ü, which is a characteristic feature of Würth’s writing language and at the same time brings to mind a smiling face, played a big role. For Würth, we created our own colloquial language for everyday life, where the letters u have been replaced by the letters ü. In this way, we created a unique way to communicate things in an interesting way and at the same time highlight competent personnel with the help of different character traits.

My role in the project:
Concept Designer, Art Director
Advertising Agency: Kaimana
Production Year: 2023